Parade floats support the march, they attract bystanders and are decorated with our “hemp style”.
Here we show the participating parade floats:
We will update the list of Floats as soon the registration arrives!
Participating projects in the last years:
- Leafly
- Mushroom Magazine
- Hangout-TV
- CSC Berlin
- R19
- Die Linke
- Chillhouse
- Klaus der Gärtner
- Greenlight Shop
- Therapie-und Partyzentrum Bründel
- Udopea
- Levitation Elements
- Soundviecher
- Piratenpartei Berlin
- Eclipse
- Deutscher Hanf Verband
- Die Grünen / LAG Drogenpolitik
- Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen Berlin
- Stichting Legalize!
- Selbsthilfenetzwerk CannabisMedizin (SCM)
- CannaTrade
- Hanffaserfabrik Uckermark