The fact that Cannabis is ancient, lacking in side effects, yet a natural medicine which could help many people, has spread into “civic circles”. Even on the hemp question, the otherwise learn resistant Federal Government acknowledged in the light of developments within the U.S., Portugal and many other countries, that Cannabinoids (Cannabis active ingredients) have indicated a wide spectrum of therapeutic value.
The Hanfparade wants to help break down prejudices against medical Cannabis and thus provides a forum that gives everyone the opportunity to discuss with patients, doctors and pharmaceutical companies about medicinal purposes.
This years Form for Hemp Medicine is sponsored by Sensi Seeds!
They will also promote the exchange of experiences and networking of the patients themselves. The forum for hemp medicine is the central point of contact for all questions on the topic. Here are speeches, discussions not least a small “pharmaceutical exhibition” about the drug Cannabis as available in Germany to inform on current research.

However, despite clear scientific facts and evidence in the form of countless live, “content” Cannabis patients, hemp is far from receiving the status of being a “perfectly normal” medicinal plant. Whoever wants to use Cannabis as a medicine in Germany, must accept humiliating bureaucratic hurdles and finally have the required finances. The dogma of a drug-free society and fear of “playing down the use of Cannabis” in themselves prevent a rational assessment on the potential of hemp as a remedy.
Without the recent years of binding close friendly relations between organised Cannabis patients, their doctors and Hanfparade the “Forum für Hanfmedizin” (hemp medicine forum) would not be possible.
As a patient receiving cannabis as medicine, you are invited to settle into the patient area’s quiet zone and consume your medicine.
The Hanfparade wants to help to reduce prejudices against cannabis medicine and therefore offers a forum on the Hanfmeile, the rally site of the Hanfparade.
Everyone should have the opportunity to discuss with patients and doctors about medical hemp, its use and political situation. It also wants to promote the exchange of experiences and networking among patients.
If you would like to get involved, contact us or sign up on the Helping Hands form!
Some impressions from the recent years: