The colorful and politically decorated parade floats are a supporting element of every hemp parade that can hardly be underestimated. They are sent into the race by legalization activists, clubs, labels, parties or party organizers and contribute significantly to the success of Germany’s largest legalization demonstration.
This year there is no fixed concept for the design of the floats – but we have some requirements that must be met in any case: A creative float decoration with a clearly recognizable political statement on hemp legalization, and a maximum of 30% of the banner area may be occupied by advertising.
We have to use the money raised by the staggered participation fees for the GEMA bill on the one hand, and on the other hand to help those projects that have not been able to realize their own floats so far (because they lacked the necessary small change).
In this way, we want to give associations and newly founded activist collectives active in the field of legalization the chance to present themselves to a larger audience at the Hanfparade.
Parade floats may of course be designed collectively by several organizations, persons, etc.; this may also be expressed!
n three steps to the parade float at the hemp parade
- find supporter+sponsor
- register at the Hanfparade
- rent truck+technique, put on decorations
- …and let’s go!
Anmeldeformular – Registration form (german only, so sorry!)
This form has to be at the Hanfparade desk at least 1st of August. Do not forget to send the start fee!
If you want to run a float at the Hanfparade, register (preferably today) with the registration form and by email to!
The Hanfparade organization team will then contact you. Usually the registration deadline is one week before the Hanfparade.
We are happy to help you – even if you have never organized a parade float before!
The registration form can be viewed, saved and printed at the following location:
Paradewagen Anmeldeformular zur Hanfparade 2025 (PDF)
Requirements of the police
Below you can download the detailed police requirements for the Hanfparade as a PDF (they are similar every year), as well as another PDF from the assembly authority with general information about demonstrations. Just contact us if you have further questions or want to register a car.
- Auflagen der Polizei in 2015 (PDF)
- Auflagen der Polizei für die Hanfparade 2009 (PDF)
- Informationen der Versammlungsbehörde (PDF) [Quelle]
- technische Prüfung zur Personenbeförderung; Checkliste der DEKRA am Beispiel des CSD
Mögliche Musikstile
- Chor / Acapella
- Drum&Bass / Jungle
- Funk / Soul
- Gothic / EBM / Industrial
- HipHop / R’n’B
- Jazz / Dixiland
- Klassik
- Liedermacher / Chanson
- Marching Band / Trommelgruppe
- Psytrance / Goa
- Reggae / Ragga / Dancehall
- Rembetiko / Balkan Beat
- Rock / Pop
- Schlager / 30er / 40er / Classics
- Stoner Metal / Metal / Punk
- Techno / House
- und alles, was nicht in dieser Liste
steht außer Nazi- und homophobe Mucke 🙂