Legal notice

The Hanfparade is organised by a group of dedicated individuals and supported from the association JaKiS e.V. (VR 29275 B, Court of Jurisdiction: Charlottenburg). Tax Nr.: 27/669/50894, FA Kö I Berlin and European Tax-Id: DE285186645

Postal Address:
c/o Hanf Museum Berlin
Muehlendamm 5
10178 Berlin

Donation Account:
IBAN: DE05430609671113587500
Branch Address: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, Christstr. 9, 44789 Bochum
Country Code: DE

For a bank transfer within Germany:
Account Nr.: 1113587500
BLZ: 43060967
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

Bitcoin: 166RgMRbKdGqu231MyNLXpFUMGY5NScXhe


Authority according to §6 MDStV: Martin Steldinger

If you would like to participate in the organisation of Hanfparade or have questions about the event, contact us or use the contact form.


We use Open Source software. is powered by WordPressBit Transfer Management GbR and Cannabis Sativa. Template by Steffen Geyer.


Essential to the march and stage: our speakers. They inform the public about the uses of Cannabis and our demands.

They come from a wide range: from politicans, students, to everyday people and medical cannabis patients.

Speakers on Hanfparade 2024

Philipp Gärtner

Philipp Gärtner ist Chief Executive Officer von green pioneers, eine Firma für hochwertige Produkte aus Nutzhanf in Fulda. Philipp kümmert …

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Patrick Werth

Patrick Werth ist als Heilpädagoge in unterschiedlichen Handlungsfeldern der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sowie der Hochschullehre tätig. Er ist Mitarbeiter im …

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Michael Kleim

Schon in der DDR publizierte Michael Kleim im Untergrund zu Menschenrechtsfragen, war in der Tramper-Szene sehr aktiv und bekam auch …

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Alexander -Buddix- Zierden

Buddix (52) ist Ende 2019 über die medizinische Wirkung wieder zum Hanf gekommen. Er sagt, wie viele andere Patienten: Es …

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Natascha Barz

Natascha Barz vertritt den Verein LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition = Strafverfolger gegen die Prohibition, Abteilung Deutschland auf der Hanfparade! …

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Andreas Grätsch

Andreas Grätsch ist Koordinator der AG Drogen- und Suchtpolitik der Piratenpartei Deutschland sowie Mitglied im Deutschen Hanfverband (DHV). Er ist …

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André Moussa Schmitz

André Moussa Schmitz Vorsitzender und Sprecher des Knastschadenkollektivs. Seine Schwerpunkte sind die medizinische Versorgung in Haft und die Todesfälle sowie …

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Felix Blei

Dr. Felix Blei ist pharmazeutischer Mikrobiologe und anerkannter Experte für viele psychoaktive Wirkstoffe. In seiner Doktorarbeit hat er nicht nur …

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Steffen Geyer

Die Welt nannte ihn einen „radikalen Cannabisjünger“, die TAZ den „Günter Grass der Legalisierungsbewegung“ – Der Wahlberliner Steffen Geyer (43 …

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Fabian Pitter Steinmetz

Dr. Fabian Pitter Steinmetz ist Eurotox-zertifizierter Toxikologe und Consultant bei Delphic HSE. Seinen PhD absolvierte er 2016 in der Computer-Toxikologie …

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Mirta Rostas

Mirta Rostas ist die Vorstandsvorsitzende des CAPA Cannabis Patientenvereins e.V. und seit 2006 im Gesundheitswesen tätig. Sie ist examinierte Pflegefachkraft, …

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Christoph Roßner

Seit Jahren leiste ich meinen Beitrag zur Erschließung des vollständigen Potentials von Hanf, indem ich Politiker und Verbände, Krankenversicherungen und …

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Daniel Brückner

Daniel Brückner wurde 1992 in Bremen geboren und lebt seit 2013 in Berlin. Im Jahr 2014 fing er an, sich …

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Philine Edbauer

Philine Edbauer engagiert sich seit 2015 für eine grundlegende Veränderung der Drogenpolitik hin zur Entkriminalisierung und legalen Regulierung. Seit 2017 …

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Georg Wurth

Georg Wurth ist ehemaliger Finanzbeamter mit umfangreicher politischer Erfahrung. Nach dem Abitur hat er an der FH als Finanzbeamter Steuerrecht …

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Michael Knodt

Michael Knodt wurde in Hessen geboren und lebt seit 1990 in Berlin. Er studierte zunächst Geschichte und Journalistik, absolvierte anschließend …

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Rolf „Rollo“ Ebbinghaus

Rolf „Rollo“ Ebbinghaus, Kurator des Hanf Museums in Berlin, hat die Entwicklung der Legalisierungsbewegung und insbesondere der Hanfparade seit Anfang …

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Bühne der Hanfparade 2014


Programme of the Barney’s Farm Stage on Hanfparade 2024

The Stage is the centre of the big opening and closing rallies of the Hanfparade, visible and audible from afar. Here, high-ranking politicians and scene representatives present their ideas of a risk-minimising cannabis policy or report on the latest developments in the field of commercial hemp. The programme is livened up by live performances with artists from hip hop, rap, pop, raggae and dancehall, punk, pop to space rock.

Barneys Farm ist Sponsor der Hanfparade

This years main sponsor for the stage is Barney’s Farm!

The location is: On Spandauer Straße near the Neptunbrunnen, close to Alexanderplatz and within sight of Berlin’s Red City Hall.

After the final rally at Alexanderplatz there will be many after parties in Berlin

Opening rally (Spandauer Straße) – start 12 noon

15-18 Uhr Procession through the city with parade trucks

We will comfortably demonstrate through the city and attract the attention of passers-by. The highlights are the Brandenburg Gate, the Bundestag, the main train station and the Federal Ministry of Health on Friedrichstraße.

Final rally (Spandauer Straße)

status of information: 06.08.2024

Video from earlier Hanfparade

To make an impression how Hanfparade may look like, have a look at the archive of Hanfparade.

Stage of the Hanfparade / Bühne der Hanfparade
Graphic banner of the Forum on Cannabis medicine

Forum for Hemp Medicine – pain relief, lose your fears

The fact that Cannabis is ancient, lacking in side effects, yet a natural medicine which could help many people, has spread into “civic circles”. Even on the hemp question, the otherwise learn resistant Federal Government acknowledged in the light of developments within the U.S., Portugal and many other countries, that Cannabinoids (Cannabis active ingredients) have indicated a wide spectrum of therapeutic value.

The Hanfparade wants to help break down prejudices against medical Cannabis and thus provides a forum that gives everyone the opportunity to discuss with patients, doctors and pharmaceutical companies about medicinal purposes.

This years Form for Hemp Medicine is sponsored by Sensi Seeds!

They will also promote the exchange of experiences and networking of the patients themselves. The forum for hemp medicine is the central point of contact for all questions on the topic. Here are speeches, discussions not least a small “pharmaceutical exhibition” about the drug Cannabis as available in Germany to inform on current research.

Logo des Forums für Hanfmedizin

However, despite clear scientific facts and evidence in the form of countless live, “content” Cannabis patients, hemp is far from receiving the status of being a “perfectly normal” medicinal plant. Whoever wants to use Cannabis as a medicine in Germany, must accept humiliating bureaucratic hurdles and finally have the required finances. The dogma of a drug-free society and fear of “playing down the use of Cannabis” in themselves prevent a rational assessment on the potential of hemp as a remedy.

Without the recent years of binding close friendly relations between organised Cannabis patients, their doctors and Hanfparade the “Forum für Hanfmedizin” (hemp medicine forum) would not be possible.

As a patient receiving cannabis as medicine, you are invited to settle into the patient area’s quiet zone and consume your medicine.

The Hanfparade wants to help to reduce prejudices against cannabis medicine and therefore offers a forum on the Hanfmeile, the rally site of the Hanfparade.

Everyone should have the opportunity to discuss with patients and doctors about medical hemp, its use and political situation. It also wants to promote the exchange of experiences and networking among patients.

If you would like to get involved, contact us or sign up on the Helping Hands form!

Some impressions from the recent years:


We encourage to make as many amazing Hanfparade Afterparties as possible! To register for a afterparty in appreciation of the Hanfparade get in touch with us! Hemp decoration is not mandatory but we like to equip the party with information material.

The following clubs will host after parties in 2024:

Infos on Afterparties to the Hanf Parade in BErlin
Foto des Markt der Möglichkeiten der Hanfparade 1998

Hemp fan mile

During the final hours of the rally visitors are offered plenty of information and entertainment. For this purpose, a big stage and up to 100 information booths will be put in place on the Alexanderplatz.

In the past few decades a huge range of products have emerged for Cannabis consumption and cultivation, (legal-) informations, stoner culture and industrial hemp applications from food over clothing to building materials. This diversity will be shown on the Hanfparade, specifically around the Hemp mile. Cannabis businesses like Grow- and Headshops, manufacturers of various hemp related goods. cosmetic suppliers and legalization activists from far and wide have the possibility to present themselves. You might be lucky and catch a life bong-blowing performance, blowing, not inhaling!

If you would like to book a stand at the final rally please Contact us as soon as possible.

Information stands on Hanfparade

Map of the Hemp fan mile for Hanfparade 2024
Logo des Nutzhanfareals

Hemp crop show – from car production to zip lock hemp bags

Logo des Nutzhanfareals

Hanfparade (Hemp Parade) in Berlin will include a covered area that provides information on the variety of the hemp crop. This “industrial hemp area” will offer selected companies the opportunity to receive thousands of visitors, potential business partners and present themselves before the press. A marquee with booths will provide the appropriate framework for their presentations. Display boards inside intend to share basic information about the crop of hemp to men, women and children. A particular eye-catching hemp fashion show will entertain the audience and help realise the marvel of hemp.

The hemp crop show should help dispel the angst of Cannabis. It will span a bow from the millennia of agricultural hemp use to innovative products. 

The Hanf Museum Berlin and the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) are representative of that, past and future. As regional partner the Hanfparade seeks to attain the Hanf-Faser-Fabrik Uckermark, which can report about two decades of legal hemp cultivation. They process hemp fibres into a multitude of building materials like insulation. The Westfalian company Hanf-Zeit specialising in hemp food stuffs, will offer a hands on experience for the audience, giving them the chance to press their own hemp seed oil. The hemp fibre bioplastics by Tecnaro may be the future. Their Arboform has won the European Inventor Award. Along with the hemp industry showing its positive potential, the Hanfparade wants to show how Cannabis prohibition also has detrimental effects on ‘clear headed’ hemp users and that the prohibition bureaucracy is a hindrance to technical innovation. The complete legalisation of the hemp crop would be a milestone on our way to an ecologically sustainable economy.

Co-Organisation of the Hanfparade

You are hereby invited! Get involved in Berlin: well in advance we need helpful hands and planing minds.

Even if you do not live in Berlin: a lot of work, especially with the Internet, can be carried out from anywhere.

There is plenty to do: get in touch with the Hanfparade organisation team and get active (flyer and poster distribution), write press releases, more helping hands will be needed on the day of the event, and and and …

The organisation team is also looking forward to your texts and reports from and about the Hanfparade, or some aspect of the entire demonstration. Let your creativity run wild and get in contact with us.

Where can I meet the organisation?

You will find us the last Tuesday of the month from 7:00pm on in the Hanf Museum Berlin, where we hold an organisation meeting for the next Hanfparade and other related events. A place to meet and a chance to contribute with people who have similar interests. There is no admission fee required for the museum to participate in the meetings!

The Hemp Museum is located here: Mühlendamm 5, 10178 Berlin-Mitte.