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Become a sponsor of the 10th Hanfparade
The only way Hanfparade is possible is with the participation of many hemp friends. Some of them spread posters and flyers, others support us as a Helping Hand. But if you want to organize an event like the Hanfparade manpower is not everything.
A lot of things around the Hanfparade cost a lot of money. We have to rent most of the hardware for the event like rest rooms or stages. The printing of posters and flyers has to be paid and the necessary stamps and authority papers are not for free. We cannot handle this on our own!
The association Hanfparade needs financial support from outside. We ask everyone involved in the hemp business to wonder if he or she has the possibility to sponsor the Hanfparade.
Become a sponsor of Hanfparade!
You can become a sponsor of Hanfparade with a minimum of 300,- Euro (+ 16% VAT= 348,- Euro). We guarantee you to use your money only for organizing and performing the Hanfparade in Berlin. Our association does not have any paid workers. All active members and supporters are working unsalaried and without any payment.
Your advantages as a sponsor of Hanfparade
Sponsors of Hanfparade support us in the fight for the legalization of hemp as a natural resource, medicine and stimulant. To make your commitment well noticed by the public, all sponsors have the right to call themselves "Official sponsor of Hanfparade2006" and to make promotion with the "sponsor of Hanfparade logo".

More than this our sponsors enjoy different advantages and profit from exclusive services:
- Publication of your logo on the Hanfparade posters and flyers Make your profit out of our fame and the wide circulation of our information material. We are printing several thousands of posters and more then 100.000 flyers and spread them all over Germany and many other countries in Europe. More than this our poster will be published by our media partners. For example the Hanf Journal spreads another 100.000 posters in original size within its Hanfparade special edition!
- Publication of your logo on our website Maybe you recognized our website is nearly free from colourful logos, banners with links to other pages an so on. This is a privilege only for our sponsors and media partners. The logos of our sponsors will be placed on the main page. This way we try to give you a maximum of attention for your support of the Hanfparade. More than this we will make a special site only for sponsors. There you can place more information about your company or product.
- Discount on advertisements Sponsors of the Hanfparade get an exclusive discount on the advertisements they make in the Hanf Journal. A regular advertisment (2 boxes) will cost the sponsors of the Hanfparade only 333,- Euro (regular price 444,- Euro). This way we try to give our sponsors the chance to refinance their expenditures by doing promotion. This will help you minimizing financial loads or avoiding them. More than this with your advertisment in the Hanf Journal special edition you easily can create a high recognizing effect. Sponsoring the Hanfparade might be the cheapest advertisement of your life!
- Exclusive purchase option for promotion on the Hanfparade Our sponsors have an exclusive purchase option for advertisement space on the Hanfparade. More than this we give our sponsors a discount of 16% for all promotion. "We give you the VAT as a present!"
- Free promotion booth on the market of possibilities The Hanfparade sponsors have the right to use a free promotion booth on the market of possibilities at the Hanfparade2006. Present your products to the thousands of visitors. On a single afternoon Hanfparade is visited by more people than a regular hemp fair on all three days! Profit of this potential and promote your products to whole Germany on a single afternoon. We are pleased to help you with this, for example by contacting you with the press and by organizing interviews or product presentations.
We want your engagement for hemp to be profitable! Give us a chance to help you in the fight for publicity and market shares.