The Hanfparade 2005 started in front of the "Rotes Rathaus" (red city hall) next to the Alexanderplatz on August, 13th 2005 at 12 o'clock. Hanfparade2005 followed the slogan

In front of the seat of the senate of Berlin we had the opening speech, and from there the Hanfparade moved with about 1000 partitipants and 5 parade trucks through the city-east. The interim-manifestation was at the Zionskirchpaltz. Afterwards we moved on to the Mauerpark. - Read more about the route of Hanfparade2005 here!
We were not allowed to go into the Mauerpark, because the big final party there was vorbidden by the Berlin city government. - Read more about this here!
To make the 10th Hanfparade in sommer 2006 a political success and a loud and fun event, we need you to participate!!!
Stay informed and inform others about the Hanfparade!!!
- Become a member of the Hanfparade Association
- Donate
- Organize bus trips
- Participate on the Hanfparade2005 with your truck or as a helping hand
- Play with your band on one of the stages
- Distribute posters and flyers,
- Organize rooms and car lifts for Hanfparade visitors.