Executive board of the Bündnis Hanfparade e.V.

Verein | Vorstand

We are the executive board of the Bündnis Hanfparade e.V. . You can find our names as well as our tasks. Click on the tasks to get more information about how you can do something.

Naturally we cannot do it all the way alone! Call, eMail or Fax us if you want to help us. With a click on the names you can send us an personal email. Otherwise, call us!

Jan Ludewig
Truckcoordination, Culture and Stages, Website, Promotion

Steffen Geyer
Sponsoring, Bureaucratism, Press, Finances

Karin Sallmann
Childrens Corner

Sebastian Kaap
Catering, Marktet of possibilites

Rolf Galgenmeyer- Quatz
no special task

Please send more general eMails to: info@hanfparade.de

Pressinquriy an: presse@hanfparade.de

Problems with the websites? write the webmaster!

Problems with the mailinglists? write the listmast!

Other technical problems? write the admin!