english page: Parade - Natural recource area

Hanfparade2006 | Final rally | Natural recource area

The Natural recource area

H.A.N.F. e.V.

After 40 years of hemp prohibition only a few people know, hemp is one of the oldest and versatilest helpfull plants of mankind. At the same time there are wide fields of "industrial hemp" in Germany and hemp is processed to thousends of different products.

To get hemp back into the peoples mind we created a place only for hemp as a biological raw material on the final rally of the Hanfparade.

Baumaterialien aus Hanf

In the Natural recource area hemp producer and hemp preocesser awaiting you to show their newest product and answer your questions.

They will present you agricultural products like hemp fibre. But they also show the fibre processing up to the final product.

Learn everything about hemp seeds and their use as food, oil or cosmetic.

Ein Straus Hanf
Kleidung aus Hanf

Natural recource area trys to focus your view on the natural recource hemp, whitch can be used for a wide variety of products and if done so would help us reduce the use of fossil recources and therefore save the environment.

We would like to make you enthusiastic about a plant that can be used from the flower to the root and can be processed nearly free of waste.

Besucher des Nutzhanfareals

This are some pictures from the hemp fashion show presented by Hanf Mode International at Hanfparade2004. With their models they show hemp clothes are not longer less stylish or versatile as cloothes made of cotton.

Textilien von Hanf Mode International
Textilien von Hanf Mode International