english page: Parade - Speakers Corner

Hanfparade2006 | Final rally | Speakers Corner

Speakers Corner

The freedom of speech is one of the most important conditions of a well-working democracy. Nevertheless we all have to experience that our opinion doesn´t count or doesn't get heard.

Speakers Corner 2004

How often do you hear "I don´t get paid for thinking!" How often we are silent if something is wrong, because we think "I alone am not able to change anything"? Who of us often isn't silent, just to avoid an apparently useless discussion?

At the Hanfparade everybody is allowed to, can, and should, tell what he or she thinks!

... den Leuten hats gefallen ...

Following the original concept of "Speakers Corner" in London's Hyde Park;on the Hanfparade there is a place with an open microphon waiting for you!

Report your experiences with state and police, explain your vision of a better drug policy or share your daily fears with the audience.

But you can also read your selfwritten poems, sing a song or show your everlasting love to your favorite one...

Gewagtes Hemd - gewagte Texte
Der Nächste bitte

At the Speaker's Corner you decide what´s happening!

At Hanfparade2004, for example, Speakers Corner experienced a spontaneous freestyle hip hop battle with MCs that never before had entered a stage, but anyhow, they were loved by the crowd.

Kleiner Mann mit großem Mut... ... geschafft!
Speaker Speakers Corner 2003

Even if don´t want to say anything you can help to make Spaekers Corner a success!

Join us as a helping hand and help us to make the Hanfparade a big and colorful political event!