Hanfparade2006 | Program | Bus trips
Bus trips and car lifts
Here you can find offers for trips to the Hanfparade and a list of people looking for car lifts to Berlin.
If you would like to drive with a bus from the list, please answer as soon as possible!
The people organizing the busses are always looking for help, so please ask them if you like to support their efford.
List of bus trips
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Be-a-VIP offers a trip from Franken (Bayern) to the Hanfparade. They have more then just one Bus and are still looking for a cheaper bus trip. That is what they can offer now:
The team of the Siesta Shop is not only organizing a truck at the Hanfparade. They are also driving with a bus to Berlin
The bus will start on Saturday (05/08/2006) at 8-9 am in Riesa and will dirve back after the end of Hanfparade. Depending on how many people join the bus it will cost between 15 and 20 Euro. If you would like to drive with them please contact Andre´. You can contact him by email to xandre23@gmx.de or by calling the Siesta Shop.
- Filice from Baden-Würrtemberg has tree free places in her car. - Contact by mail to filice.daiquiri(at)hotmail.com.
- Duke comes from Bielefeld to the Hanfparade and has space for another person in his car. - Contact at 0162/ 67 77 574 (after 12:00 am)
- Basti is from Köln and has space for 5 persons in his car. If you would like to join him, send a email to kick_all(at)web.de
Until now we don´t have more offers of bus trips to the Hanfparade. If you are organizing a trip to Berlin, please let us know and we will put your offer on the list.
If you never organized a bus trip before, please read our bus trip information.
List of wanted car lifts
This is a list of all people looking for car lifts. If you can take them with you to the Hanfparade or if you know who can do so, please send them an email as soon as possible!
- Philipp from Bielefeld is looking for a car lift for him and eventually one friend. - Contact at DukeNukem4ever(at)gmx.de
- Stefan and one or two friends would like to travel from Aachen. - Contact them at stef.roos(at)gmx.net
- Uwe from Köln is looking for a car lift for him or people who would like to join a carpool. Contact by mail to baldur(at)gmx.net
- M. is looking for a way to join Hanfparade from Oldenburg. Contact under MC_Doose(at)web.de
- Basti and one friend need a lift from Hamburg. If you drive from there please contact them at ktb-styler(at)hotmail.de
- Flex is looking for a car lift for him and two other people from Riesa - Contact him under gen.esis(at)gmx.de
- Mario comes from Niederbayern and is looking for a car lift. - Contact mario666(at)web.de
- Malte needs somebody from Niedersachsen who would like to give him a lift. - Contact by Malte_derKleine(at)yahoo.de
- Andreas needs a lift for 3-6 persons from the area Emmerich, Oberhausen, Kleve, Wesel. - Contact at ch4rk4(at)web.de
If you would like to use the rail to come to Berlin, check this page.