Hanfparade2006 | Program | Speeches and music
Speeches and music - Program of 10th Hanfparade
This is the planed program of the final rally of 10th Hanfparade in Berlin. Until now, not everything is fixed. That is why you still cannot see all speakers. We update this site daily, so please visit it again in a few days and take a look or sign our newsletter!
If you would like to speak at the Hanfparade for your party, assocition or legalize organisation, please contact us fast! We also looking for proposals for other speakers. Please use our contact form if you would like to give us such proposals.
Under the program overview you will find more information about the musicians and speakers partitipating. With a click on the play symbol you can listen to a song of the band or listen to a speech from former Hanfparades. For this feature you will need the flash-plugin witch you can get here!.
Program overview
04:00 pm - Speak by the demonstration leader Steffen Geyer | ||||||||||
04:05 pm - Ganjaman (Conscious Dancehall - Reggae) | ||||||||||
04:40 pm - Fôô Fanick & One Roots (Reggae - Worldmusic - Afro Pop) | ||||||||||
05:20 pm - Teds´n´Grog (Folk - Punk - Singer- Songwriter) | ||||||||||
06:05 pm - ItaloPorno (Powerpop - Electronica - Funk) | ||||||||||
06:45 pm - Mamasweed (Rock - Hardrock - Metal) | ||||||||||
07:15 pm - Skin Diary (Progressive - Metal - Funk) | ||||||||||
08:00 pm - I-Fire (Hip Hop - Reggae) | ||||||||||
08:40 pm - Klartext (Hip Hop) | ||||||||||
09:15 pm - Roots Rockers (Reggae - Rocksteady - Dancehall) | ||||||||||
09:40 pm - End |
Programm with band and speaker information
04:00 pm Speak by the demonstration leader Steffen Geyer | |
04:05 pm - Ganjaman (Conscious Dancehall - Reggae) | |
![]() Hemp is pure pristine nature and nature is live and live is love and love is RasTafari. | |
If you would like to visit a live concert of Ganjaman, please take a look at the event calender of MKZWO. The current album of Ganjaman is "Resonanz". | |
04:30 pm - Reading of a greeting message by: | |
Kerstin J�ngling (Chief of the Fachstelle Suchtpr�vention des Landes Berlin) | |
04:40 pm - Fôô Fanick & One Roots (Reggae - Worldmusic - Afro Pop) | |
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If you would like to visit a live concert of Fôô Fanick & One Roots, please visit his tour plan. The current album of the band is "the best of". | |
05:05 pm - Speeches by: | |
Monika Knoche (MdB, Die Linke) Member of the committee for health, drug-political spokeswoman of the Bundestag faction and deputy leader of the parliamentary group |
Bendikt Lux (B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen) | |
05:20 pm - Teds´n´Grog (Folk - Punk - Liedermacher) | |
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If you would like to visit a concert of Teds´n´Grog, take a look at their concert planer. The actuall album of the band is a "limited 11 track album". | |
05:40 pm - Speaches by: | |
Georg Wurth (Deutscher Hanf Verband) | |
Theo P�tz (Verein f�r Drogenpolitik e.V.) | |
06:05 pm - ItaloPorno (Powerpop - Electronica - Funk) | |
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If you would like to visit a concert of ItaloPorno, you should take a look at their website. | |
06:30 pm - Speaches by: | |
Rolf Ebbinghaus (Hanf Museum Berlin) | |
Carsten Labudda (BAG Drogenpolitik PDS) | |
06:45 pm - Mamasweed (Rock - Hardrock - Metal) | |
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If you would like to visit a concert of Mamasweed, take a look at their event calender. The new album of the band is "Electric Zeppelin". | |
07:10 pm - Speaches by: | |
Tibor Harrach (LAG Drogen B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen) | |
Hans Cousto (Eve & Rave Berlin e.V.) | |
07:25 pm - Skin Diary (Progressive - Metal - Funk) | |
![]() Wild soli, shouted singing and playful cadences, but also weak riffs, whispered text and catchy grooves are the music of Skin Diary. Since April Skin Diary are working with Fabio Trentini, bassist of the H-Blockx and producer of the Guano Apes, at the Horus studio in Hannover. Who likes music of the other kind, for hearing, dancing and amazement, is invited by Skin Diary charming but hard! | |
If you would like to visit a concert of Skin Diary, please take a ook at their website. The new album of the band is "Skin Diary". | |
07:50 pm - Speeches by: | |
Michael Knodt (editor-in-chief Hanf Journal) | |
Dennis Lindner (editor-in-chief THCene) | |
08:00 pm - I-Fire (Hip Hop - Reggae) | |
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If you would like to visit a concert of I-Fire, take a look at their gig planer. You can download songs of the band at Hanftunes. | |
08:25 pm - Speaches by: | |
Jo Biermanski (Gr�ne Hilfe) | |
Sven Meyer (Hanffest Hamburg) | |
08:40 pm - Klartext (Hip Hop) | |
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Klartext are also playing at the "Little Woodstock-Festival" in Rathnow at the 4th of August! Die new album of Klartext is "Der REDEWert". | |
09:05 pm - Speaches by: | |
Werner Graf (Klangsucht) | |
Sokratis Zacharopoulos (Hanf- Initiative) | |
09:15 pm - Roots Rockers (Reggae - Rocksteady - Dancehall) | |
![]() in 2004 the debut album of the Munich Roots Rockers "Tanzen und Schrei´n" was relaesed by Chet Records/ Sony Music. They also relaesed some 7`` vinyls, many hits like "Wundersch�n" and "Tanzen und Schrei´n" and some compilation material. At the moment the Roots Rockers are working at their second album and the song "Dancehall Story" by Uwe Kaa - a german adaption of the song "Ghetto Story" by Baby Cham - seams to become the german tune of the year. | |
If you would like to see the Roots Rockers live, please visit their tour dates. The actuall album of the band is "Tanzen und Schrei´n". | |
09:40 pm - End |