english page: Parade - Speeches and music

Hanfparade2006 | Program | Speeches and music

Speeches and music - Program of 10th Hanfparade

This is the planed program of the final rally of 10th Hanfparade in Berlin. Until now, not everything is fixed. That is why you still cannot see all speakers. We update this site daily, so please visit it again in a few days and take a look or sign our newsletter!

If you would like to speak at the Hanfparade for your party, assocition or legalize organisation, please contact us fast! We also looking for proposals for other speakers. Please use our contact form if you would like to give us such proposals.

Under the program overview you will find more information about the musicians and speakers partitipating. With a click on the play symbol you can listen to a song of the band or listen to a speech from former Hanfparades. For this feature you will need the flash-plugin witch you can get here!.

Program overview

04:00 pm - Speak by the demonstration leader Steffen Geyer
04:05 pm - Ganjaman (Conscious Dancehall - Reggae)
04:30 pm - Reading of a greeting message by
  Kerstin J�ngling (Chief of the Fachstelle Suchtpr�vention des Landes Berlin)
04:40 pm - Fôô Fanick & One Roots (Reggae - Worldmusic - Afro Pop)  
05:05 pm - Speeches by
  Monika Knoche (MdB, Die Linke)
Member of the committee for health, drug-political spokeswoman of the Bundestag faction and deputy leader of the parliamentary group
  Bendikt Lux (B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen)
05:20 pm - Teds´n´Grog (Folk - Punk - Singer- Songwriter)
05:40 pm - Speaches by:
  Georg Wurth (Deutscher Hanf Verband)
  Theo P�tz (Verein f�r Drogenpolitik e.V.)
06:05 pm - ItaloPorno (Powerpop - Electronica - Funk)
06:30 pm - Speaches by:
Rolf Ebbinghaus (Hanf Museum Berlin)
  Carsten Labudda (BAG Drogenpolitik PDS)
06:45 pm - Mamasweed (Rock - Hardrock - Metal)
07:10 pm - Speaches by:
  Tibor Harrach (LAG Drogen B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen)
  Hans Cousto (Eve & Rave Berlin e.V.)
07:15 pm - Skin Diary (Progressive - Metal - Funk)
07:50 pm - Speeches by:
  Michael Knodt (editor-in-chief Hanf Journal)
  Dennis Lindner (editor-in-chief THCene)
08:00 pm - I-Fire (Hip Hop - Reggae)
08:25 pm - Speaches by:
  Jo Biermanski (Gr�ne Hilfe)
  Sven Meyer (Hanffest Hamburg)
08:40 pm - Klartext (Hip Hop)
09:05 pm - Speaches by:
  Werner Graf (Klangsucht)
  Sokratis Zacharopoulos (Hanf- Initiative)
09:15 pm - Roots Rockers (Reggae - Rocksteady - Dancehall)
09:40 pm - End

Programm with band and speaker information

04:00 pm Speak by the demonstration leader Steffen Geyer

04:05 pm - Ganjaman (Conscious Dancehall - Reggae)
Ganjaman & Junior Randy Ganjaman is not only a regular music interpreter but a translator, who transforms the classic caribian reggea into our times and adapts them into the reality of the "white men". More important for him than his indisputable talent for Riddim and Lyrics is the chance to politicaly awaken his audience. - If you know this it is not surprising that the ganjatracks have a clear political message. Legalize the L�mmerbrot, because it will liberate the nations and the souls of the people from the slavery and repression of Babylon.
Hemp is pure pristine nature and nature is live and live is love and love is RasTafari.
If you would like to visit a live concert of Ganjaman, please take a look at the event calender of MKZWO.
The current album of Ganjaman is "Resonanz".

04:30 pm - Reading of a greeting message by:
Kerstin J�ngling (Chief of the Fachstelle Suchtpr�vention des Landes Berlin)

04:40 pm - Fôô Fanick & One Roots (Reggae - Worldmusic - Afro Pop)
FÔÔ FANICK The full blood musician Fanick Marie-Verger from Benin/ west africa is band leader, composer, arrangeur, drummer and the creative head of the band "Fôô Fanick & One Roots". - First he celebrated impressiv musical achievements in his homeland. In 19993 while he was on tour across Europe, he visited Germany for the first time. After a while he settled down in Berlin and developed his personal distinctive african style in this multicultural city. FÔÔ FANICK & ONE ROOTS today deliver hot Afro- beat, play their unmistakable grovvy Reggea and draw a complex bow from first class world music to modern afro pop.
If you would like to visit a live concert of Fôô Fanick & One Roots, please visit his tour plan.
The current album of the band is "the best of".

05:05 pm - Speeches by:
Monika Knoche (MdB, Die Linke)
Member of the committee for health, drug-political spokeswoman of the Bundestag faction and deputy leader of the parliamentary group
Bendikt Lux (B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen)

05:20 pm - Teds´n´Grog (Folk - Punk - Liedermacher)
Teds´n´Grog In Oktober 2004 the brothers Ted and Grog decided to become muicaly active together. As the Anarocho-Singer-Songwriter they are, they did not stay at the house for a long time and started playing more then 40 times in the last year. They do not ony play in clubs or concert halls but also at demonstrations, in squat houses or at the Punkerpicknik. - Although they have fun with maintained nonsens, Teds´n´Grog understand themself as political artists. In their songs they speak about the daily slavery of money and the idioty of the Berlin government. We recommend that you listen to the Schliemannsong for example!
If you would like to visit a concert of Teds´n´Grog, take a look at their concert planer.
The actuall album of the band is a "limited 11 track album".

05:40 pm - Speaches by:
Georg Wurth (Deutscher Hanf Verband)
Theo P�tz (Verein f�r Drogenpolitik e.V.)

06:05 pm - ItaloPorno (Powerpop - Electronica - Funk)
ItaloPorno In the beginning there was a CD on a crossing in Berlin. - Scratched and dirty she wakens the attention of the bassist Lutz, which brought her with him to the probationary room at the same night. The drummer David and guitar player Kai where there waiting for him. After the first records Nils enriched the taste with his sythesizer and developed the recept of the band. Finaly the voice of the trombonist Devin, here without her instrument, made club night gourmets snaping their tounge. Today five persons enter the stage and their name is an invention to fantasyful partys - ItaloPorno.
If you would like to visit a concert of ItaloPorno, you should take a look at their website.

06:30 pm - Speaches by:
Rolf Ebbinghaus (Hanf Museum Berlin)
Carsten Labudda (BAG Drogenpolitik PDS)

06:45 pm - Mamasweed (Rock - Hardrock - Metal)
Mamasweed In 1994 the band members Gog, Yensin and Shorty had a vision of a new band while visitng the city Weed (Califonia). After the drummer Kayki and the pianist Oli Benn Joseph joined them, they founded the band Mamasweed in the year 2000. For the release of their debut album "American Space Cake" they foundet the label "Mamasweed Music" together with the producer Moses Schneider. In June 2005 Mamasweed won the J�germeister Rockleage Contest. At this event the winner is chosen by the loudness of the applause of the visitors - Mamasweed got phenomenal 108 dezible! At the Hanfparade Mamasweed will introduce their new album "Electric Zeppelin".
If you would like to visit a concert of Mamasweed, take a look at their event calender.
The new album of the band is "Electric Zeppelin".

07:10 pm - Speaches by:
Tibor Harrach (LAG Drogen B�ndnis 90/ Die Gr�nen)
Hans Cousto (Eve & Rave Berlin e.V.)

07:25 pm - Skin Diary (Progressive - Metal - Funk)
Skin Diary The italian bold head (git), the blonde north light (voc), the persian Zappa (drums) and the wild Ossi (bass) have to do music and nothing else. The four "non-workers" meet in Berlin and their music is as colorful as their ancestry. The hard guitar is fondled by the female voice and enravished by the melody
Wild soli, shouted singing and playful cadences, but also weak riffs, whispered text and catchy grooves are the music of Skin Diary. Since April Skin Diary are working with Fabio Trentini, bassist of the H-Blockx and producer of the Guano Apes, at the Horus studio in Hannover. Who likes music of the other kind, for hearing, dancing and amazement, is invited by Skin Diary charming but hard!
If you would like to visit a concert of Skin Diary, please take a ook at their website.
The new album of the band is "Skin Diary".

07:50 pm - Speeches by:
Michael Knodt (editor-in-chief Hanf Journal)
Dennis Lindner (editor-in-chief THCene)

08:00 pm - I-Fire (Hip Hop - Reggae)
I-Fire I-Fire is a reggea band from Hamburg. The band menbers Raw, Free and Dub-ill-You (Robert Schlepper, Fritz Kschowak, Nils Wieczorek), guitar (Marcus Arnold), bass (Anton Soetrisno), drums (Andreas Feldmann), keys (Valentin Heinrich), trombonist (Nils N�hden) and trompet (Niklas Ulrich) are doing reggea influenced by hip hop. - All began at the SAE Institute Hamburg (School of Audio Engineering) when singer Rob and trombonist nils meet the guitar player Marcus. They decided to start a reggea combo. After a short time the other musicians came to the band. Since then they meet regulary to enforce the project. I-Fire is politicaly engaged away from the music, for example at the "Baobab Familiy Project".
If you would like to visit a concert of I-Fire, take a look at their gig planer.
You can download songs of the band at Hanftunes.

08:25 pm - Speaches by:
Jo Biermanski (Gr�ne Hilfe)
Sven Meyer (Hanffest Hamburg)

08:40 pm - Klartext (Hip Hop)
Klartext Klartext is more then hip hop. The band is a big family, a unity on stage and with the audience. The Berlin border hip hop crew was founded in 2000 and enveloped forward since then. The nine musicians never settle for a record till they reached what is called the typical Klartext sound: rap meets jazz, soul, funk and reggea. The program of Klartext is a combination of the tracks arranged by the instruments and the sythetic beats by Akai. They mix german lyrics with Patois, english and spanish. The boys are looking at their lives with their songs and reflect everything that was fun. They always would like to teach their philsophy to the hearers and animate to think.
Klartext are also playing at the "Little Woodstock-Festival" in Rathnow at the 4th of August!
Die new album of Klartext is "Der REDEWert".

09:05 pm - Speaches by:
Werner Graf (Klangsucht)
Sokratis Zacharopoulos (Hanf- Initiative)

09:15 pm - Roots Rockers (Reggae - Rocksteady - Dancehall)
Uwe Kaa (Roots Rockers) The root rockers crew was foundet in 1998 and is understanding itself as a entertainment concern. It includes a soundsystem, live tunes, dubplatte cutter, studio and riddim forge. Uwe Kaa is the man at the mic, Andybee the studio and live engineer and Doc Holiday is the selector of the soundsystem and live dj.
in 2004 the debut album of the Munich Roots Rockers "Tanzen und Schrei´n" was relaesed by Chet Records/ Sony Music. They also relaesed some 7`` vinyls, many hits like "Wundersch�n" and "Tanzen und Schrei´n" and some compilation material.
At the moment the Roots Rockers are working at their second album and the song "Dancehall Story" by Uwe Kaa - a german adaption of the song "Ghetto Story" by Baby Cham - seams to become the german tune of the year.
If you would like to see the Roots Rockers live, please visit their tour dates.
The actuall album of the band is "Tanzen und Schrei´n".

09:40 pm - End