Press | Press report
Press report
This site offers you a collection of media reports about the 10th Hanfparade. If you have any other article or question, please send us a message.
Erinnerungen eines Pressesprechers (Memories by a press speaker)
Our former press speaker Martin Müncheberg has written his private history of Hanfparade. The articel was printed by the Grow!- Magazin and is really interesting. If you can read german you should have a look on this articel!
The Hanf Journal has published a special issue about Hanparade. On this then pages you can find all important information about the 10.Hanfparade. The clou of the issue is the poster which you can take out. The Hanf Journal special issue about 10th Hanfparade is available since 11/ 07/ 2006 at every good headshop.
Page 1
Zehn Jahre und kein bisschen leise (Then years and still aloud) | Warum zur Hanfparade? Zwölf gute Gründe (Why to the Hanfparade? Twelve good reasons) -
Page 2
Sommer, Sonne, Sonnenschein - aber lasst uns nicht nur fröhlich sein! (Summer, sun, sunshine - but do not let us be happy only) | Schon wieder Hanfparade? Immer wieder Hanfparade! (Hanfparade again? Again Hanfparade!) -
Page 3
Demoroute und Erklärungen (Demonstration route and explanations) | Politik, Musik und mehr - Die Abschlusskundgebung (Politics, music and more - The final rally) -
Page 4
Live ist live! (Live is live!) -
Page 5
Die Geschichte der Hanfparade (The history of Hanfparade) -
Page 6
Das Poster zur 10.Hanfparade (The poster of the 10th Hanfparade) -
Page 7
Safer Hanfparade (Safer Hanfparade) | Und danach? Vibes To Legalize @ Yaam (Afterwards? Vibes To Legalize @ Yaam) -
Page 8
Pimp myself for Demo (Pimp myself for Demo) -
Page 9
Soweit die Füße tragen - ein Hanfspaziergang durch Berlin (As far as the feet can go - a hemp promenade through Berlin) | grossstadtsurvivor auf der Hanfparade (big city survivors at the Hanfparade) -
Page 10
Die Hanfparade stirbt! Ein Bericht vom Krankenbett. (Hanfparade perish! A report at the bedside) | Vibes To Legalize... und das for free? (Vibes To Legalize... and all for free?)
Click on the picture to read the hole special issue as Pdf. A click on a page number will bring you to the related page of the pdf. Because the newspaper is in german only, we linked every article with the related part of our website.

You will find press reports of former Hanfparades in our archive.